Wednesday, April 3, 2013

You said what?

In the initial note to someone, a nice short note is sufficient.  For the most part, I immediately delete any notes that are suggestive in nature, address me as "baby", "babe", "darlin'" "honey" or that are a dissertation of your life.  It is kind of strange too when men write: "You are absolutely gorgeous" and that's it.   I mentioned in my profile that I like to cook and today I received a 4 paragraph letter about a vegetarian diet and how this gentleman feels.  What?  I wanted to write back and tell him where to find the best hamburger in town.... but I'm still searching for it.

I have corresponded with a few men on a site that I think I would enjoy meeting one day.  I pretty much will leave the ball in their court once a few e-mails have been exchanged.  I'm not going to be a desperate chaser (hunters are the men right?), because basically, I'm not desperate and I don't make it a habit to chase men.   If a guy is interested they can continue the correspondence.  I would be happy to chat and meet up with one of them for coffee.  I guess I'm just old fashioned in that way.  I don't really want to continue chatting for months, weeks, ok... perhaps a week or two.  I really don't want a pen pal.  So, let's meet up and call it a cup of coffee and see if we want to meet again.  Simple.

I will let it be what it is........

Some guys I'm just not interested in meeting. I'm sure the feeling is mutual from the other perspective too.  I have found that arrogant people are going to be arrogant in their chats too!  LOL.... Are certain professions just hiring arrogant people?  Ok, I'm just kidding on that one.

Today, I'm kind of disillusioned with the entire dating on line deal.  Luckily for me I have a few good books to read, had a few hours of art today, photography meeting Friday night, pizza with friends, and a birthday party to attend on Saturday.  I'm not home alone crying in my pillow waiting for my phone to ring, or my e-mail tone to "bing".  Last night, my eldest son came over for dinner.  Nothing brings me greater joy than having my sons join me for dinner.  All they have to do is call and say: "mom, are you cooking tonight?" and the answer will always be "yes"!

I trust in fate too.  Perhaps, it's not in my given plan to meet anyone.  A family member told me one time that if I wanted to be dating, I could be dating.  Sure, I could settle for anyone that asks me out, but I have to have some kind of connection, mutual interest, or attraction from the get go.  I'm sure I could go to a bar and find a date, but that just isn't my personality.

Such is the life of a single woman.  There are thousands of men out there on line. I'm truly amazed at the vast number of dating sites.  Some of the profiles do provide a bit of comic relief.  Many men (and I'm sure women too) leave absolutely no doubt to what they are seeking in a relationship.  Some of them can just keep looking.  I've got a book to read tonight.

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